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import { zeduxTypes } from '@zedux/react'

An object containing action type and meta type strings that Zedux uses internally in its ActionChain objects. You may encounter these in actions and action chains passed to effects subscribers, especially in composed stores. Use this object to identify them.


const zeduxTypes = {
delegate: `${PREFIX}delegate`, // a meta node metaType
hydrate: `${PREFIX}hydrate`, // an action type
ignore: `${PREFIX}ignore`, // a meta type
inherit: `${PREFIX}inherit`, // a meta node metaType
merge: `${PREFIX}merge`, // an action type
prime: `${PREFIX}prime`, // an action type

Action Types

Zedux uses the following zeduxTypes as action type properties:


Zedux dispatches this action to the store when store.setState() is called.

const store = injectStore('state')

// these 2 calls are exactly the same:
store.setState('new state')
type: zeduxTypes.hydrate,
payload: 'new state',

Combined with the delegate and inherit meta nodes, this and the merge action type are the key to reproducing all state updates in all child stores.


Zedux dispatches this action to the store when store.setStateDeep() is called.

const store = injectStore({ a: 1, b: 2 })

// these 2 calls are exactly the same:
store.setStateDeep({ b: 3 })
type: zeduxTypes.merge,
payload: { b: 3 },

Combined with the delegate and inherit meta nodes, this and the hydrate action type are the key to reproducing all state updates in all child stores.


Zedux dispatches this action to configured stores when they're first created (if they have initial configuration) or when their hierarchy changes (if they still have a hierarchy). This "primes" the reducer hierarchy to get the initial state of the store or the new state for the new hierarchy.

const store = createStore((state, action) => {
// this reducer is called immediately with:
// state: undefined
// action: { type: }

Meta Node Types

Zedux uses the following zeduxTypes as meta node metaType properties:


Zedux attaches this meta node to actions when a child store informs a parent store of a state change.

const childStore = createStore(null, 'initial state')
const parentStore = createStore({ child: childStore })

effects: ({ action }) => {
console.log('action:', action)

childStore.setState('new state')
// action: {
// metaType: '@@zedux/delegate',
// metaData: ['child'],
// payload: {
// type: '@@zedux/hydrate',
// payload: 'new state'
// }
// }

childStore.getState() // 'new state'
parentStore.getState() // { child: 'new state' }

Dispatching an action wrapped in delegate to a parent store tells Zedux to "delegate" the action to the child store. This is the key to time travel! By tracking all actions dispatched to child stores, a parent store can effectively reverse engineer all of its state changes.

// this is exactly the same as calling `.setState('new state')` in the child store:
const action = {
metaType: '@@zedux/delegate', // zeduxTypes.delegate
metaData: ['child'],
payload: {
type: '@@zedux/hydrate', // zeduxTypes.hydrate
payload: 'new state',


childStore.getState() // 'new state'
parentStore.getState() // { child: 'new state' }


Zedux wraps actions in this meta node when passing an action dispatched in a parent store down to its children.

const childStore = createStore(null, 'initial state')
const parentStore = createStore({ child: childStore })

effects: ({ action }) => {
console.log('action:', action)

parentStore.dispatch({ type: 'test' })
// action: {
// metaType: '@@zedux/inherit',
// payload: {
// type: 'test'
// }
// }

Meta Types

You can use the following zeduxTypes as the meta property of dispatched actions to give Zedux instructions.

These only have an effect in stores that belong to atom instances (i.e. stores that were injected via injectStore()).


Set this string to an action's meta property to tell Zedux to batch any atom reevaluations that will result from this state change with those from all subsequent dispatches that also use zeduxTypes.batch:

import { zeduxTypes } from '@zedux/react'

const store = injectStore()
store.dispatch({ type: 'my-action-type', meta: zeduxTypes.batch })

This meta property can also be set when calling instance.setState()/store.setState() or instance.setStateDeep()/store.setStateDeep() by passing it as the second parameter:

store.setState(newState, zeduxTypes.batch)
store.setStateDeep(partialState, zeduxTypes.batch)

See the batching guide.


Set this string to an action's meta property to tell Zedux not to reevaluate the atom instance:

import { zeduxTypes } from '@zedux/react'

const store = injectStore() // { subscribe: true } is the default
store.dispatch({ type: 'my-action-type', meta: zeduxTypes.ignore })

This meta property can also be set when calling instance.setState()/store.setState() or instance.setStateDeep()/store.setStateDeep() by passing it as the second parameter:

store.setState(newState, zeduxTypes.ignore)
store.setStateDeep(partialState, zeduxTypes.ignore)

It is not necessary to use this when updating an injected store's state synchronously during atom evaluation. Zedux always prevents these cases from causing a reevaluation, as that would lead to an evaluation loop.

const testAtom = atom('test', () => {
const store = injectStore(initialState)

store.setState(newState) // won't cause an evaluation loop

Removing Meta Nodes

Sometimes you don't care about this metadata. Use removeAllMeta() to unwrap all meta nodes wrapping an action.

import { removeAllMeta } from '@zedux/react'

const inheritedAction = {
metaType: '@@zedux/inherit',
payload: {
type: 'test',

const unwrappedAction = removeAllMeta(inheritedAction) // { type: 'test' }