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The official Immer bindings for Zedux. This package exports a new ImmerStore class and a few helpers for insantiating it.


This package has a peer dependency on the @zedux/atoms package and on Immer itself. Ensure that @zedux/atoms is installed at the same version as this package:

npm install immer @zedux/atoms @zedux/immer # npm
yarn add immer @zedux/atoms @zedux/immer # yarn
pnpm add immer @zedux/atoms @zedux/immer # pnpm

The @zedux/react package already includes @zedux/atoms. To use Immer in React apps, install this package alongside @zedux/react instead:

npm install immer @zedux/react @zedux/immer # npm
yarn add immer @zedux/react @zedux/immer # yarn
pnpm add immer @zedux/react @zedux/immer # pnpm


This class extends the Store class and keeps all the functionality of normal stores. On top of that, it adds a single method:


Accepts a callback. Invokes' Immer's produce() function to create a mutable draft state and commit changes made in the callback to the store's current state.

const store = createImmerStore({ a: 1, b: 2 })

store.produce(state => state.b++)

Unlike Immer's produce(), it doesn't matter what the callback returns. Zedux will ignore the return value. Use store.setState() to overwrite the state of the store.


The state of immer stores must be any of the data types that Immer supports.


The recommended way to create immer stores. This is a normal injector for use within atoms. Accepts two parameters:

  • initialState - the initial state of the store
  • config - a config object with exactly the same properties and functionality as injectStore()'s config
Live Sandbox
const initialState = { count: 0 }

const counterAtom = atom('counter', () => {
const store = injectImmerStore(initialState)

return api(store).setExports({
decrement: () => store.produce(state => state.count--),
increment: () => store.produce(state => state.count++),
reset: () => store.setState(initialState),

function Counter() {
const [state, { decrement, increment, reset }] = useAtomState(counterAtom)

return (
<div>Count: {state.count}</div>
<button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>

An injected ImmerStore that's returned from the atom state factory will be set as the atom instance's store, exposing the .produce() method to consumers:

Live Sandbox
const counterAtom = atom('counter', () => {
return injectImmerStore({ count: 0 })

function Counter() {
const instance = useAtomInstance(counterAtom)
const state = useAtomValue(instance)

return (
<div>Count: {state.count}</div>
<button onClick={() => => state.count--)}>
<button onClick={() => => state.count++)}>


A factory for creating ImmerStore class instances. Accepts a single initialState parameter.

const store = injectStore(() => createImmerStore({ key: 'val' }))
// is exactly the same as:
const store = injectImmerStore({ key: 'val' })


Immer stores are currently zero-config only. We could add helpers to make Immer reducers if there's a demand for it. Reducer-driven stores are rare enough in Zedux, we're hoping this won't be necessary. But feel free to open an issue if you need this functionality!


Immer stores are still stores - they can be used anywhere a store can be used, including being composed inside a parent store. However, since they're zero-config only, they can't be given child stores.