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API Overview

These API docs are divided into 7 sections as well as a glossary that defines Zedux terminology.


The actual JavaScript classes that Zedux exports. Instances of these classes are returned from various factories and other Zedux APIs. You'll work with these a lot.


React components that Zedux exports.


Functions that Zedux exports. Use these to instantiate Zedux's classes.


React hooks that Zedux exports. For use in React function components.


Injectors that Zedux exports. For use in Atom state factories.


Data shapes and TypeScript definitions. This section of the API docs is specifically for TS users, but non-TS users can benefit from them too. These docs explain exactly what certain objects and functions look like.


Other stuff that Zedux exports. These can be useful when working with Zedux's various classes and types.