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A function passed to store.subscribe(). Zedux will call the function when certain events happen.

There are 3 types of subscribers:

  • normal (or "next") - will be called on state change.
  • error - will be called whenever a dispatch or setState call throws an error.
  • effects - will be called every time an action is dispatched to the store, regardless of whether the action triggered a state update or threw an error.

Passing a function to store.subscribe() registers a normal subscriber. To register error and effect subscribers, pass an object with optional next, error, and effects properties.


store.subscribe((newState, oldState, action) => {
console.log('state changed', { newState, oldState, action })

// or
next: (newState, oldState, action) => ...

Also called "next" subscribers. These subscribers receive 3 parameters:

type NextSubscriber<State = any> = (
newState: State,
oldState: State | undefined,
action: ActionChain
) => void

The current state of the store, after the latest operation changed it.


The state of the store before the latest operation changed it. Can be undefined if the subscriber is registered before the store's state is set.


The action that triggered the state change. If the state change was due to a .setState() call or an action dispatched in a parent or child store, this action will contain special metadata that can be used to reproduce the state update from this store for time travel.


error: err => {
console.error('Store update raised an error', err)

Will be called if an error is thrown in any reducer or in a function passed to .setState()

store.setState(currentState => {
throw 'test-error'

Error subscribers receive a single parameter:

type ErrorSubscriber = (error: Error) => void

The error thrown by the store's reducer layer or by the function passed to store.setState() or store.setStateDeep().


effects: ({ action, error, newState, oldState, store }) => {},

Effects subscribers will be called every time an action is dispatched to the store - regardless of whether that action causes a state change, raises an error, or has no effect.

They are also called for pseudo-actions (e.g. actions generated from setState() calls) that trigger state updates or raise errors.


The action could be an ActionChain containing store composition-related meta nodes.

Effects subscribers are not called when a setState() call doesn't change the state.

store.dispatch({ type: 'anything' }) // hits effects subscribers
parentStore.dispatch({ type: 'anything' }) // hits store's effects subscribers
childStore.dispatch({ type: 'anything' }) // hits store's effects subscribers
store.setState(state => !state) // hits effects subscribers
store.setState(state => state) // doesn't hit effects subscribers

Effects subscribers receive a single StoreEffect object.


Live Sandbox
const store = createStore(null, 0)

function Subscribers() {
const [log, setLog] = useState('')

useEffect(() => {
const subscription = store.subscribe({
next: (newState, oldState, action) =>
log =>
`${log}Next - ${JSON.stringify({
error: (...params) => setLog(log => `${log}Error - ${params}\n\n`),
effects: ({ store, ...params }) =>
setLog(log => `${log}Effect - ${JSON.stringify(params)}\n\n`),

return () => subscription.unsubscribe()
}, [])

return (
<button onClick={() => store.setState(1)}>Set to 1</button>
<button onClick={() => store.setState(2)}>Set to 2</button>
<button onClick={() => store.dispatch({ type: 'test' })}>
Dispatch Action
onClick={() => {
try {
store.setState(() => {
throw new Error('test-error')
} catch (err) {}
Trigger Error


type Subscriber<State = any> = NextSubscriber<State> | SubscriberObject<State>

interface SubscriberObject<State = any> {
next?: NextSubscriber<State>
effects?: EffectsSubscriber<State>
error?: ErrorSubscriber