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Extends AtomTemplate.

Ions are a specialized atom type. They excel at selector-type operations. The only difference from normal atoms is that an ion's state factory receives an AtomGetters object as its first parameter. All other params work exactly the same as normal atom params.

Unlike atoms, ions must be given a state factory function. That's the whole point!


Create ion templates using the ion() factory.

import { ion } from '@zedux/react'

const selectorAtom = ion('selector', ({ get }) => get(otherAtom).someField)
const derivedAtom = ion('derived', ({ get }) => deriveStuff(get(otherAtom)))

const withParams = ion('withParams', ({ get }, one: string, two: number) => {
return `${one} ${two}`

const withInjectors = ion('withInjectors', ({ get }) => {
// any injector can be used in the "getter" function.
const val = injectMemo(() => getExpensiveVal(), [])

return val

const withConfig = ion('withConfig', stateFactory, {
flags: ['my-flag'],
ttl: 0,

Ions expose no unique properties or methods besides those exposed by AtomTemplate.

See Also